How a Model Discovered Fission in her Quest to Fight Climate Change

4 min readSep 21, 2020


Bonita Chan, Oklo’s Director of Marketing & External Relations, sits down with fashion model Isabelle Boemeke to discuss how she discovered fission in her quest to impact climate change. Watch the full conversation here and read the abbreviated highlights below.

Isabelle, what inspired your interest in learning about fission?

I have a general interest in science, and reading The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins was the beginning of my extensive research on science. Once I started learning about the different fields of science, I developed this passion for knowledge and that background contributed to my learnings in fission. I am also concerned about the planet and humanity. When I started learning about decarbonization and what it would take to decarbonize our energy sources, I soon realized that fission has to be a part of the conversation. Fission is the second-largest clean energy source in the world; if we are serious about decarbonizing, we need to include fission.

Energy security describes access to reliable and affordable sources of energy. Growing up in a small village in Brazil, you lived without energy security — a key issue Oklo is passionate about tackling. What was living without energy security like?

Where I grew up, living without energy security was the norm. We also did not have home appliances like washing machines or dishwashers, which may seem trivial, but they are correlated to the emancipation of women, especially in developing countries.

I like that Oklo’s clean energy powerhouses values its aesthetic as well as the integration of solar panels [into its design]. It is important to demonstrate that fission can work with renewables! All sources of clean energy should be working together.

You share the importance of fission power in such a digestible and approachable way across a variety of platforms (YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook), which is also what Oklo prioritizes. Why is infusing creativity in your messaging so important to you?

I noticed there is a disconnect between the public perception of fission and the advantages of fission. I believe that some of the irrational fears people have about fission power are related to communication. With a lack of easily digestible material on fission, I wanted to present facts with material that people can understand and want to engage with.

Your fission-related videos have over a million views, did you expect such an overwhelming response to your content?

To be honest, I was expecting more push-back. It has been very rewarding to see such positive responses, because I care so much about the cause. I do get push-back but that is encouraging because it means that people want to engage and ask questions.

A common issue your audience brings up is related to waste. Do you think people would become more receptive and accepting of fission power when they become informed about technologies like what Oklo is utilizing which is capable of turning waste into clean energy?

I hope so! Nick Torren has a website, which is a resource people can turn to. It outlines the range of available solutions for waste produced by fission power plants. I also think that the reusability of its waste can be a strength for the industry. The fission industry is one of the very few industries that are responsible for its waste, to ensure the protection of the environment and public health and safety. Additionally, there are also technologies that the industry can utilize to turn waste into clean energy like Oklo.

You have been advocating the need for large fission reactors to decarbonize the energy sector. What are your thoughts on micro and small reactors that utilize advanced fission like Oklo?

They are all great and each solves a different problem. Smaller and more flexible reactors like what Oklo is developing are useful for remote areas like Alaska and can tackle problems these remote communities are facing.

As we conclude our interview, I’d love your thoughts on fashion and climate change. As sustainable fashion becomes increasingly popular due to consumers being more mindful in the way they shop, do you see an opportunity where you could carry over fission advocacy to the fashion industry?

Yes! That is something I would like to pursue. The fashion industry has evolved but the industry is still one of the biggest polluters in the world. While the fashion industry is trying to be more conscious of its environmental impacts, I do fear that it could be short-lived — not to mention, social media drives the popularity of fast fashion. But one thing that I’m excited about is digital clothing. I am working with a digital clothing company to feature with my brand Isodope. I truly think that digital clothing is the future of fashion.

So, what is next as your reach becomes broader?

I want to see existing fission plants remain open in the U.S. I truly believe that keeping existing plants open is one of the best things we can do for the environment. I will be focusing on educating people on the importance of keeping fission plants open and keep developing content that will get people excited about fission. Humankind created a technology that can harness energy from an atom to create clean, reliable, and affordable energy to improve the quality of life. My goal is to get people as excited about fission as I can.

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Written by Oklo

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